Wellness, health, and sanitation. The thoughts on our minds all day everyday right now. We were certainly thrown for a loop with COVID-19. It feels like we were pressed to open a new concept restaurant in the matter of days. Implementing delivery and increasing take out, we hope to find ways to continue to serve you in the months to come. We know meals matter. It is important to have something to look forward to, to celebrate with, and to take the work and worry away on days you “just can’t.” It was important for us to have food that can stand up to the drive home, nourish families, and maintain a sense of community. We have adapted many features and sizes of items to serve these needs.
Sanitation has always been of importance, but now is more crucial than ever. Our staff is always under the direct care of a ServeSafe certified manager. Our kitchens are well stocked with hand soap, food safe sanitizers, and gloves and maintaining a safe environment is a top priority. We know the most efficient way to mitigate the risk of transmission is to maintain proper distances between people. We encourage you to take advantage of online ordering, online payment, curbside pick up and contactless delivery. According to the FDA, foodborne exposure is not a known route of exposure to this virus, but person to person is so - Let’s keep six feet between all of us!
We miss all the parties and special event you were gracious enough to let us be a part of and can’t wait to celebrate with you in person again. For now, we appreciate the community on social media. All the posts, tags, and pictures you’ve shared mean the world to us. We wish you health, wellness, and love as we all get through this time together.
Scott & Rachel